Hot Cup of Cappuccino

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Hot Cup of Cappuccino

We all love a hot cup of Cappuccino during winter and rain. I am going to show you how to make cafe-style Cappuccino at home in just 10 minutes. We won’t be using any machine at all, but if you need a machine.

It will be frothy just like the ones in the cafe. For this recipe, we need milk, sugar, and instant coffee powder. Take a mug with good depth so you can beat the coffee properly.

Now add instant coffee and sugar. Sugar is important because when you beat it, it gives a fluffy texture. Now add 1 tbsp of warm water. As you keep beating the coffee, it will become lighter in color. At this moment, you can see it’s very dark. It does require some arm workouts, though. After beating for 2-3 mins, you can see that it’s becoming lighter in color.

During rains and winters, this is quite often. This way, your coffee gets beaten nicely. You can now see that the mixture has become lighter in color and is quite thick as well. At this moment, add some water. Now you can see the mixture has become very fluffy. Added water 3-4 times. please repeat, don’t add all the water in one go else the mixture will become runny. Add it gradually so that it becomes nice and fluffy. I’ll add some more water now.

its nicely incorporated air with continuous beating. This mixture lasts for 20-25 days when refrigerated. Just take out from the refrigerator, however, how much you want, and keep the rest back in the fridge. It’s also got a very light brown color.

Now in a pan, heat milk. Whether low-fat or full-fat, it’s your choice. Give it 1-2 boils as boiling the milk enhances the froth in the Cappuccino. Boiled the milk now. Now add the coffee mixture to the serving mug. The quantity will vary based on how strong you want your coffee to be. Just adding two spoons right now. Now pour the milk a bit higher to get a good froth. it is done, Mix it well and add one more spoonful of mixture on top. Remove excess mixture from the spoon.

Hot Cup of Cappuccino

Our thick and frothy Cappuccino is now ready. This tastes very delicious, so do try it and enjoy it! Now you know how to make a cafe-style Cappuccino at home without any machine. If you liked this recipe, then hit the share button. And Share to Social Media platforms like Facebook, X, Pinterest, Reddit, Linkedin, And Whatsapp. do comment below. I will keep sharing food-related updates there.

Coffee and Health Benefits:

coffee also includes some health benefits if the consumption is moderate. There is an overview of the major health benefits associated with the consumption of coffee

Rich in Antioxidants:

Coffee is rich in antioxidants that function in the protection of cells from free radicals. As indicated by studies, these antioxidants lower inflammation and may also reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Increases Alertness of the Brain and Energy:

Caffeine, being a natural stimulant, is found in coffee. It enhances mental performance, lifts mood, and energizes a person. It is vastly utilized to improve focus and concentration.

Type 2 Diabetes:

It has been reported that habitual coffee consumption might reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes by elevating insulin sensitivity.

Caffeine and neurodegenerative diseases:

The ingestion is related to a reduced risk for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Liver Health:

Caffeine consumption is associated with a reduced risk of liver diseases like liver cancer and cirrhosis.

Reduce Depression:

The regular consumption of coffee is related to the low occurrence of depression and may have a positive impact on mental health. This may be attributed to caffeine’s ability to elevate mood and contribute to social encounters.

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